Naughty Dog have done it again! The reviews for Uncharted 4 A Thief’s End are out and from what I have read and seen the hype leading up to the launch was real.
I personally have not had the chance to play the single player campaign as yet, but I am super excited to set aside some quality time in-front of my PS4 for this + – 15 hour journey.
What Other Gaming Reviewers Are Saying
I have gathered a short list from 3 very reputable reviewers to give a summary of what the critics are saying.
IGN: 9/10
Reviewed by:
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is a remarkable achievement in blockbuster storytelling and graphical beauty. Though it’s let down by a lack of imagination and some self-indulgence, especially in a third act that drags on far too long, Uncharted 4 carries on the series’ proud tradition of peerless polish and style, with a great multiplayer component to boot. Most importantly, it’s a gentle sendoff to the rag-tag group of characters we’ve known for nine years. A worthy thief’s end, indeed.
Read the full review: IGN
Gamespot 10/10
Uncharted 4 is a challenge to the medium. In its writing, in its design, in its understanding of what makes games unique, Uncharted 4 is something to aspire to. It’s a shining example. And we’ll be talking about it for years to come.
Read the full review: Gamespot
Polygon 9/10
Reviewed by: Griffin McElroy
Every other Uncharted game has, to varying degrees, posed a question — “can a thief be good?” — and summarily moved on without wagering a guess. In finding an answer, Uncharted 4‘s story soars, and presents a moving, fulfilling finale.
Read the full review: Polygon
The Graphics Are “Next Level”
Yes we all know that graphics do not “maketh the game” but great graphic fiderlity does certainly help with the immersion aspect. The developers at Naughty Dog are known for their attention to detail and pushing the envelope when it comes to graphic fidelity. Some critics are even going as far as to say that the graphics in Uncharted 4 are the best they have ever seen on current generation consoles.
Game Info
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is an action-adventure third-person shooter video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4 video game console.
Initial release date: May 10, 2016
Developer: Naughty Dog
Series: Uncharted
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Manufacturers: Sony Corporation, Naughty Dog
Designers: Emilia Schatz, Ricky Cambier, Kurt Margenau, Robert Cogburn, Anthony Newman
Source: Wikipedia