Last week Netflix announced that they will start exclusive streaming of Disney, Star Wars, Marvel and Pixar. Back in late 2012 Netflix and Disney struck a deal that gave Netflix rights to stream films under the Disney brand. This will include: Lucasfilm, Marvel, and Pixar subsidiaries.
Will South African’s Get An Updated Catalogue Come September?
Does this mean that new titles will be exclusive to American Netflix subscribers, and will exclude European and African users? At this stage it is hard to tell if South Africa will in fact get access to an updated “Disney Catalogue” a post via the Forbes website states the following:
Starting in September, the contract between the streaming platform and Disney will go into effect, with Netflix holding the exclusive U.S. rights to Disney’s films.
Being a big fan of all thing Disney and Star Wars I am super optimistic, but we will have to wait and see what transpires further down the line.
Further Reading: Forbes, Netflix Media Centre